Tank Cooks Super Tuber

Recipe sent by Grant Pirtle 

Super Tuber is a great snack that uses one of my favorite vegetables: The Idaho Potato. Of course, I suppose any type of potato could be used, but I cannot guarantee that a Super Tuber made with anything but a true Idaho potato would taste as good. Sincerely, Larry E. Craig, United States Senator 


  • 1 Baking Potato 
  • 1 Hot Dog 
  • Shredded Cheese 


  1. With an apple corer or small knife, core out the potato center (end to end). 
  2. Push the hot dog through the center of the potato. 
  3. Rub potato with shortening or butter. 
  4. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Bake until the potato is fork tender. 
  5. Add shredded cheese for the last 15 minutes of cooking.

If you have any recipe ideas, send them to NJTank99@gmail.com

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